
Blog fun

For the three people that read my blog... Jeremy started a blog of his own. Except I'm one step ahead of you, Jeremy, as I started a photoblog a couple days ago, here. The idea is to buy a digital camera in the coming months, and sort of document my time in Orlando. I could buy the camera, if Jeremy would give me money. :p


Colon Comma Left Parenthesis

If I'd known it was going to take that long, I wouldn't have gone. I think I missed the storm, too. There wasn't much lightning, and the rain was pretty weak the whole ride down. Suck. I asked for a receipt for the cream soda I purchased at a Kwik Star, so I had proof that I went, but I'm too tired to scan it and post it (as that would entail several steps you probably don't care about). I'm off to dream about next summer's hurricane season in Florida...

Sod this for a game of storm-watching

The 80% chance of rain we had tonight seems to be following in the footsteps of last night's forecast; the line of T-storms is ending just south of Olmsted. It's 2:18. Time to drive to Decorah.



This is the best You're The Man Now Dog website... ever.


Fweakin Sweet

Vodka has a way with making any otherwise tasty chemical and making it gross. But, there's a bad ass storm going down, so I'm going to go to bed. Good night, Neverland.


Imagine all the Islamofascists...

Looks like one radical Muslim has figured it out.
Arguably Iraq's most popular Shiite group, followers of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have packed away their guns and now speak of "political resistance" rather than martyrdom in battle.

Once dismissed as an upstart, the portly al-Sadr has been transformed into a respectable political figure, commanding the loyalty of key lawmakers and several Cabinet ministers.

You know what? Agree or disagree with him, he's telling his followers to put down the guns and I respect him for that. Please, resist us on the political battlefield. Hopefully, this is a signal that things will truly turn around in Iraq.


If only for a day...

...it felt good to get the fuck out of this pit.

And the shitting owls and the puking orangutans were cool, too.