
To Whomever May Arrive Here

It's been a long time since I posted anything. My mind, as well as my physical self, are in a completely different place than before. I want to delete this blog, but being the packrat I am, I can't bring myself to completely remove it just yet.

For now, it stays, but understand that these posts were made by me around 4 years ago, before going to college and I have since graduated with a Bachelor's Degree. I don't credit my schooling for changes in ideology. Hell, the school I went to didn't do much to make any student a more critical thinker of politics, science, philosophy or religion. I credit my own self-reflection.

Why do I post this? Well, reading back on some of these posts, I cringe when I read some of it. Some of it still makes me laugh, but some of it I can only explain as a backlash against the situation I was in. I was a right-leaning centrist before, and I commented on whatever stupid thing annoyed me that day.

Listening to right-friendly radio programming you tend to get reminded often of the stupid things the left is up to. I also had two superiors at work who had liberal views on things, though we were friendly, and they tended to harp on the virtuous things the left was up to, or the dumb things the right was up to. So, I tended to get in a tiffy about what the left was doing. I didn't have a whole lot of arrogant right-wingers in my face, inspiring me to write anything about them.

But where I was once a right-leaning centrist, I am now a libertarian (small "l," meaning I'm not part of the Libertarian Party). I like it here. You can see the forest for the trees.

I'm not trying to persuade you to stay away from the blog, but read it knowing I now consider this person a kid, even though he was about 24 when he wrote it. Forgive me my past ramblings. Have fun. Read it. Laugh. But don't think I still think this way, or will defend any particular point.