
Redneck Christians

Don't you hate it when those stupid Republicans refer to God to appeal to those redneck Christians? Its even worse when those Republicans are Democrats!

"As the Bible teaches us, to minister to the needs of God's creation is an act of worship, to ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us," said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California. "Let us vote no on this budget as an act of worship and for America's children."

Wait... I thought Bush was the first politician EVER to mention God to appeal to Christians. (Actually every president since Washington has) You now have far-left nut, Nancy Fucking Pelosi spouting off religious rhetoric; can all you liberals please shut the fuck up about Bush's spirituality bothering you? (Or at the very least bitch and moan about her and call for her resignation. I mean, there's that mythical seperation of church and state she's blatantly defying!)

Actually the article was about the House approving budget cuts (yay), specifically of entitlement spending (double-yay), and drilling in ANWR (triple-yay). When the Senate OK's drilling in ANWR, drinks are on me! Now if I could just find more than two friends who understand how drilling in ANWR is a good idea...

Update: Sadly, the Senate did what the Senate does best--fuck everything up--and rejected the bill. Guess it'll be a while before we get past the enviro-mental-cases and into ANWR.

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