
Oh noes!! My trackz0rs haev been stoeled!!1

Awww, Trent's upset that his song got leaked. Of course, leave it up to a Chomskyite with a lot of money to take a cheap shot at the president.

Everybody's got their "internets" and it's everybody's right to share their files and everybody's a bedroom-critic empowered by anonymity.
(Emphasis mine)

I've always wondered what it's like to feel the need to get hung up on a person's shortcomings to make yourself feel smarter or better. Whatever.

Just a warning for you guys, Trent ruins the ending of Million Dollar Baby in his reply because he's a big baby. How very dickish, Trent. What if someone who hasn't seen the movie AND didn't listen to your little song out of respect happened across your little violin-playing rant? I know you're disappointed, because you wanted all those people who didn't like the song to end up paying for your album. Sucks doesn't it? That you'll only make 24.5 million instead of 25 million? You sound like Lars Ulrich.

And why are you getting upset that some people didn't like the song? There are 11 other tracks we haven't heard yet. Of course this isn't really going to change who's going to buy the record. I actually liked the song... it didn't ruin a first impression for me. So... thanks for ruining the ending of Million Dollar Baby for me, asshole. Even though, I sort of already knew the ending of it (because of the euthenasia debate that came up a few weeks ago).

I love all this delusions of grandeur bullshit, too, bud. I want to take down corporate America!!!11!11~!1!!1~~!!~ But wait, Mr. Rezzo, if you take down corporate America, how will we ever get to hear your music? Bye Interscope. Bye Best Buy. Bye Sony. Shit. I can't hear your music anymore. Arr! I hate corporate America! Here's a free iPod everyone, Apple's not a real big corporation. I love my GameCube and especially my X-Box. Nintendo isn't a big company and definitely not Microsoft. I'm sure Pro Tools was made by some starving Marxist in his basement out of leaves and twigs he found scattered about the cabin.

And finally, everyone knows that the leak was a marketing ploy. Next time, if you don't actually want your song leaked, here are some tips. Have a closed set. Do the shoot in takes without playing the song all the way through (like every other video shoot EVER). Better yet, use the track with the voice only and a click track. But, we obviously won't have to wait for a next time because we'll all be dead by the time you make a new album.

Don't get your goddamn panties in a bunch, pal. You're still getting phat paid.


The Hand that Feeds awaits you all...

The fans like myself have been eagerly anticipating the release of NIN's new album, With Teeth. Apparently the new single, The Hand That Feeds, was leaked (possibly--nay, probably--staged). Several radio stations around the country have reportedly played it tonight. There's a crazy-long thread over at the over-worked Echoing the Sound message boards about it. I wouldn't follow the link right now. The server is strained because of it. But I'll show you the highlights of the thread, such as the lyrics, the album cover and the 11th-hour album name-change:

Update: (before the spoilers) I blogged as it was all happening, so here's the final story... Some dude at the video shoot for The Hand That Feeds music video recorded the song on tape and sent it to a handful of radio stations around the country, and the stations that aired it and are now in trouble for doing so. Also, the single is slated to legitimately air on radio stations on March 21st, instead of the previous date which was given as April 11th. I believe this marks the first time Trent Reznor has ever moved a release date forward instead of backward. In a related story, temperatures in Hell have dipped to -13 degrees. Now on to those spoilers...

(Admiral, there be spoilers here!)

Supposedly, here are the lyrics:

you're keeping in step
in the line
got your chin held high and you feel just fine
because you do
what you're told
but inside your heart it is black and it's hollow and it's cold

just how deep do you believe?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
will you chew until it bleeds?
can you get up off your knees?
are you brave enough to see?
do you want to change it?

what if this whole crusade's
a charade
and behind it all there's a price to be paid
for the blood
on which we dine
justified in the name of the holy and the divine

just how deep do you believe?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
will you chew until it bleeds?
can you get up off your knees?
are you brave enough to see?
do you want to change it?

so naïve
to keep holding on to what I want to believe
i can see
but i keep holding on and on and on and on

will you bite the hand that feeds you?
will you stay down on your knees?

And here is the album cover art with the new album title...

(no, before you get confused and start asking me, the album title was not actually changed... but that's the real cover art...)


Stupid Random Thought

Bill Pullman played President Whitmore in Indepenence Day. For some stupid reason, I thought to myself, "what political party do you think Whitmore was?" There weren't really any issues discussed in the movie, so at first I thought it couldn't be figured out. But I figured it out. Vivica A. Fox played a black, single mother who worked as a stripper in California. Her character claimed to have "voted for the other guy." I think it's safe to assume Whitmore was a Republican.

Update: Oh yeah, Jewish people typically vote for Democrats, and Jeff Goldblum's character, who's Jewish, punched Whitmore. I know. It's a stretch.



Another one bites the dust

Today, UPN announced the cancellation of Star Trek Enterprise. This is some bull mother-fucking shit. I want to send a heart-felt, "Thanks a fucking lot" to all these moronic pseudo-reality shows that are eating up the airwaves. As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the best television shows still in production. And because they air it on Friday nights (when, contrary to popular belief, even Trekkie's are out doing things), they get lower ratings, and thus it's getting cancelled. Wow, UPN... just looking at your website... your line-up is going to be looking really fucking top shelf. Keep up the good work, dickheads. Think I'm a nerd for getting upset that the show has been cancelled and I can't even see the final season without driving to the cities? Fuck you. TV sucks donkey nuts right now, and they keep cancelling all the good shows. Let's have another season of The Apprentice. Yeah, that's great entertainment right there. Sounds good to me. How about another season of Survivor? You got it. Fear Factor? No problem. I can see all the CSI's getting cancelled, too, because they require more thought than your drooling, reality-show fans can squeeze out of their seven brain cells. Way to go, television industry. I hope you're fucking proud of yourselves for all this garbage wasting the airwaves.

Update: I calmed down a half-notch when I discovered that they do still air Enterprise in the middle of the fucking night here in Rochester. So I actually can watch the final season of this show. And any Trekkies who happen across my blog, and think I'm an idiot because you think Berman and Braga suck at Star Trek, let me just say this... "Fuck TOS." (And forgive my language, I'm still fairly angry.)