
Another one bites the dust

Today, UPN announced the cancellation of Star Trek Enterprise. This is some bull mother-fucking shit. I want to send a heart-felt, "Thanks a fucking lot" to all these moronic pseudo-reality shows that are eating up the airwaves. As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the best television shows still in production. And because they air it on Friday nights (when, contrary to popular belief, even Trekkie's are out doing things), they get lower ratings, and thus it's getting cancelled. Wow, UPN... just looking at your website... your line-up is going to be looking really fucking top shelf. Keep up the good work, dickheads. Think I'm a nerd for getting upset that the show has been cancelled and I can't even see the final season without driving to the cities? Fuck you. TV sucks donkey nuts right now, and they keep cancelling all the good shows. Let's have another season of The Apprentice. Yeah, that's great entertainment right there. Sounds good to me. How about another season of Survivor? You got it. Fear Factor? No problem. I can see all the CSI's getting cancelled, too, because they require more thought than your drooling, reality-show fans can squeeze out of their seven brain cells. Way to go, television industry. I hope you're fucking proud of yourselves for all this garbage wasting the airwaves.

Update: I calmed down a half-notch when I discovered that they do still air Enterprise in the middle of the fucking night here in Rochester. So I actually can watch the final season of this show. And any Trekkies who happen across my blog, and think I'm an idiot because you think Berman and Braga suck at Star Trek, let me just say this... "Fuck TOS." (And forgive my language, I'm still fairly angry.)

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