
Oh noes!! My trackz0rs haev been stoeled!!1

Awww, Trent's upset that his song got leaked. Of course, leave it up to a Chomskyite with a lot of money to take a cheap shot at the president.

Everybody's got their "internets" and it's everybody's right to share their files and everybody's a bedroom-critic empowered by anonymity.
(Emphasis mine)

I've always wondered what it's like to feel the need to get hung up on a person's shortcomings to make yourself feel smarter or better. Whatever.

Just a warning for you guys, Trent ruins the ending of Million Dollar Baby in his reply because he's a big baby. How very dickish, Trent. What if someone who hasn't seen the movie AND didn't listen to your little song out of respect happened across your little violin-playing rant? I know you're disappointed, because you wanted all those people who didn't like the song to end up paying for your album. Sucks doesn't it? That you'll only make 24.5 million instead of 25 million? You sound like Lars Ulrich.

And why are you getting upset that some people didn't like the song? There are 11 other tracks we haven't heard yet. Of course this isn't really going to change who's going to buy the record. I actually liked the song... it didn't ruin a first impression for me. So... thanks for ruining the ending of Million Dollar Baby for me, asshole. Even though, I sort of already knew the ending of it (because of the euthenasia debate that came up a few weeks ago).

I love all this delusions of grandeur bullshit, too, bud. I want to take down corporate America!!!11!11~!1!!1~~!!~ But wait, Mr. Rezzo, if you take down corporate America, how will we ever get to hear your music? Bye Interscope. Bye Best Buy. Bye Sony. Shit. I can't hear your music anymore. Arr! I hate corporate America! Here's a free iPod everyone, Apple's not a real big corporation. I love my GameCube and especially my X-Box. Nintendo isn't a big company and definitely not Microsoft. I'm sure Pro Tools was made by some starving Marxist in his basement out of leaves and twigs he found scattered about the cabin.

And finally, everyone knows that the leak was a marketing ploy. Next time, if you don't actually want your song leaked, here are some tips. Have a closed set. Do the shoot in takes without playing the song all the way through (like every other video shoot EVER). Better yet, use the track with the voice only and a click track. But, we obviously won't have to wait for a next time because we'll all be dead by the time you make a new album.

Don't get your goddamn panties in a bunch, pal. You're still getting phat paid.

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