

Congress just passed a big energy bill that includes a provision to extend daylight savings time, and that prospect frightens a couple over-protective mothers.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - As Congress voted to extend daylight-saving time, some parents whose children wait for school buses in the morning darkness doubted whether an extra month of daylight is such a bright idea.

"I don't think that it's safe," said Nikki McIntosh of Little Rock, whose children Myah, 12, and Alex, 11, occasionally ride a bus to school.

I'm not really blogging on this because of these whining mom's who are worried that their kids might have to stand for 5 minutes in anything less than broad daylight. Doesn't really matter to me. What boggles my mind is the idea to make a meaningless change to an already meaningless change. When you switch the clock in April and October, there is actually nothing different about the world, except all the clocks are screwed up. If you change your clock three weeks earlier, you might not need to turn your lights for another hour every evening, but you'll need to keep them on for an extra hour every morning, if you're up then. Nothing is changing, you're just moving the hour of energy usage. What the hell?

P.S. Oh, and I thought this might be a good time to mention something else I'd been meaning to blog on. It's just kind of funny. I'm sure you've heard of Paul Harvey. If you don't, he's a news commentator who's like 1000 years old. Anyway, sometimes, whenever there's news about daylight savings time, he gets really irate. Generally, Paul Harvey's pretty docile, giving an old man's traditional/conservative viewpoint on the news, but when daylight savings time is in the news, he gets very bitter and uses words like "lemmings" to describe people who change their clocks. I mean... yeah, daylight savings time is stupid, but it's there and there isn't much point in bitching about it on the radio. No one's going to just get rid of it. Especially not now since they're extending the stupid thing.

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