
Can't we all program along?

Al Gore's crappy, nationwide television station, Current TV, is being sued by our crappy, local, public radio station, The Current, surprisingly, over it's name. First of all, in the two times I've been forced to listen to DFL Radio The Current, I didn't hear shit I liked. At one point, they played something very obscure that lead someone to chime out, "Dude, they played this band no one's ever heard of? This station is awesome." Sorry, no. Believe it or not, the reason no one's heard of your band is not because the poo-poo music industry is trying to hide them from the public, and it's not because people have poor taste in music. It's simply because your music isn't mainstream. Get over it. The Current sucks, and I'm very disappointed that my tax money goes into it. Now I haven't seen Al Gore's TV network yet, but if it's as good as the internet, I'll give it a try.


Well I'll Be Dipped...

Have a look at this.
Saddam Hussein told aides in the mid-1990s that he warned the United States it could be hit by a terrorist attack, ABC News reported Wednesday, citing 12 hours of tapes the network obtained of the former Iraqi dictator's talks with his Cabinet.

One of Saddam's son-in-laws also explained how
Iraq hid its biological weapons programs from U.N. inspectors, according to the tapes from August 1995.

Now from the headline, "Saddam Reportedly Warned U.S. of Terrorism," and the first paragraph it sounds like Saddam was on the red phone with George Bush, telling him some dudes were going to fly planes into the World Trade Center next Tuesday, which obviously isn't what happened. I'm sure it was a non-specific warning, and almost useless, so I don't see anything of particular interest there. But further into the article is where you find the real news, and by further into the article, I mean the last two paragraphs...
Charles Duelfer, who led the official U.S. search for weapons of mass destruction, told ABC News the tapes show extensive deception but don't prove that weapons were still hidden in Iraq at the time of the U.S.-led war in 2003.

"What they do is support the conclusion in the report which we made in the last couple of years, that the regime had the intention of building and rebuilding weapons of mass destruction, when circumstances permitted," he said.

See, the Associated Press has to make it look like we did something wrong, and then leave the important details at the end of the story. Basically, the invasion of Iraq was justified. There were no WMDs found, but there was definitely intent to acquire them. So what if they warned us of any terrorist attacks? Like I said, I don't think it could have been anything specific enough for us to have prevented anything, and even if it was, that was on Clinton's watch, not Bush's. And that's all I have to say about that.


Take a Good Look, 'Cause He's....

From T-Rizzle's blog on nin.com...

The Grammys make me hate music, and certainly everyone in the ass-licking music industry.

Awww, Twent didn't win a Gwammy so he's upset. :'( Well, we didn't seem to hate the Grammy's when we were nominated for one back in 2000... Hey, I fucking hate the music industry too, but I'm a consumer. You work in it. For fuck's sake, shut your fucking mouth and make your fucking CDs for me to consume, dick head.

In a related story, according to theninhotline, Trent narrated a commercial for the organization of frothing nutjobs we lovingly call "PETA." (I'm not posting a link because I'd hate to think I sent anyone to a webpage with a link to PETA's website on it) Apparently Trent actually speaks from experience when he says he wants to fuck someone like an animal. Good thing it doesn't appear to affect the music much, being a jackass. But I will be disappointed if there's a song about fur and KFC on the next album, due out in November 2017.


A Small Taste of Karma?

A hotel in Mecca has collapsed, killing 15 people.

MECCA, Saudi Arabia - At least 15 pilgrims were killed Thursday and 39 injured when a building near the Grand Mosque collapsed around them just after they returned from midday prayers, the Interior Ministry said.

Early speculation of terrorism was immediately ruled out when authorities realized that Christians, Jews, Hindus, Taoists, Buddhists, Sikhists, Baha'i, Jainists, Shinto, Zoroastrians, and even Scientologists don't suicide-bomb innocent people.

(Oh come on, it's a joke. Honestly, I'm not happy these people died. I'm just making a politically incorrect joke at their expense. I sincerely apologize..... if you didn't get it.)