
FSKB Science

I heard about this news story last week, but didn't blog on it. There's a debate over the function of the female orgasm.
Evolutionary scientists have never had difficulty explaining the male orgasm, closely tied as it is to reproduction.

But the Darwinian logic behind the female orgasm has remained elusive. Women can have sexual intercourse and even become pregnant - doing their part for the perpetuation of the species - without experiencing orgasm. So what is its evolutionary purpose?

It goes on to talk about a book written by Dr. Elisabeth A. Lloyd. She asserts that the female orgasm serves no purpose; that it's an artifact of the development of the fetus. Like nipples on men. Yeah, I didn't really care about it all that much either, except when I read the whole story, I saw this theory from another pair of doctors...
Among the theories that Lloyd addresses in her book is one proposed in 1993, by Dr. R. Robin Baker and Dr. Mark A. Bellis, at Manchester University in England. In two papers published in the journal Animal Behaviour, they argued that female orgasm was a way of manipulating the retention of sperm by creating suction in the uterus. When a woman has an orgasm from one minute before the man ejaculates to 45 minutes after, she retains more sperm, they said.

Furthermore, they asserted, when a woman has intercourse with a man other than her regular sexual partner, she is more likely to have an orgasm in that prime time span and thus retain more sperm, presumably making conception more likely. They postulated that women seek other partners in an effort to obtain better genes for their offspring.

So they're saying women are hard-wired cheaters. I don't really believe that. I just liked the wording they used.

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