
The Truth Can't Find It's Shoes

Ever run into a foaming-mouth liberal and listen to them go off about the 100,000 Iraqi civilians that have died since the war began? Well it turns out it's less than a quarter of that figure (and that's including both civilian and military casualties). Of course, those rabid lefties certainly cannot be swayed by facts, and Tim Blair has a round-up.
Peter Erdman in the Toledo Blade imagines how much better things might be under President Kerry:

Over 100,000 of Iraq’s people would still be alive.

They might still be alive even now, if Kerry had told George W. Bush about that secret plan of his.

Have a look. Mark Twain is often dubiously attributed with the quote, "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." I think the truth lost its shoes somewhere.

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