
Fudge the Po-lice

I got a speeding ticket last month, and something occurred to me. I had to check to be sure, so when I took out my checkbook to write out the check for it, it was confirmed. The last time I wrote a check was for the speeding ticket I got last March. I guess I don't use my checkbook very much, eh? I also got both tickets under the same circumstances. I was stuck behind idiot drivers and was speeding to get around and away from them. If the cop had been there a minute earlier or later, they wouldn't have pulled me over, because I was only speeding for about 10-15 seconds. Well, this time was because some idiots were playing their stupid driving games that the people on highway 14 like to play. They would be over the limit, but not keeping up with traffic. That is, everyone is going 75, but they're going 71 in the fast lane. So the dipstick finally changed lanes and I sped to get around the nimrod, because when he changed lanes, he sped up too. Dumbass. Thanks, jackass. Similar thing happened with the other, except it was just two morons going under the limit on North Broadway, sitting right next to each other, clogging up both lanes. Then when one of them went into a turn lane, I was already ticked, so I zipped out in front, just to get out of there and not strangle traffic anymore. Both times, there happened to be a cop in the oncoming lanes. I didn't argue, because I'm sure the dudes wouldn't see it my way. It's called proactive driving, not pussy driving (aka driving scared, aka "defensive driving"). This turned into a long post for something that was originally just an amusing anecdote. I'll stop ranting about things and leave you with my opinion that all speed limits should be raised by 10 mph, the fines should be raised, and then officers should no longer give a 5-10 mph leeway for speeding. That's it.

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