
Stupid Southpaws...

Why didn't I find this page before? If I'd have seen this, I probably wouldn't have been so adamant about spreading the word about how Bush wasn't as bad and Kerry wasn't as great as the liberals wanted to think. Their 11/1/04 prediction was 100% accurate. Nifty. Too bad some insane moonbats still won't accept the results. Get over it already, children. Some of you already are. But then there's Ted... I saw him at Kathy's last night and I said "Ted, I haven't seen you since the election... [Ted shakes his head] Come on, unity, man." and offered to shake his hand and he wouldn't shake hands with me. Ted, again, I'm sure you won't read this... but honestly, you're pretty much the one olive branch to the ultra-left for me... don't act like a little bitch. But what can you expect from someone who believes the "9/11 was staged" conspiracy theories?

Oh, I'm working on a debunking of the "States-with-higher-IQs-went-for-Kerry" hoax. However, while looking for information on it, I found out there are already some debunkings of it and other ones. I found out that the state average IQ list was based on iffy methods, basing average IQ on average income (which has a tendency to go together, but it doesn't take into account how the income/cost of living is higher on the coasts). I also found out that my theory was correct, that the reason the IQs are lower in the south is in part because of the Democratic voters there. (Southern blacks are unfortunately not as well-educated as blacks in the north, and blacks tend to vote Democratic.)

I managed to find a better list of state average IQs based on better methods (ACT/SAT scores, taking into account % of population tested and the like). The range is a lot closer together, and it actually indicates some potentially damning evidence for those Kerry voters who think they're all smarter... D.C. is actually near the bottom of the list, and D.C. is basically a single county with a highly populated city that was very lopsided for Kerry, and most counties with highly populated cities were the ones that were very lopsided for Kerry... so one could draw conclusions about the fact that counties that went for Kerry have lower average IQs than ones that went for Bush. One thing I noticed while number-crunching: it appears that Minnesota had the highest voter turnout, with approximately 74.1% of the 18+ population making it out to the polls (unfortunately my figure was of all people over 18, so I couldn't take into account felons who were ineligible to vote - and it was also the population estimate for 2003... not their projection for 2004... which was hidden in a complicated mess of .DAT files that I didn't care to mess with).

But all I'm really trying to do is prove to some nitwits that everyone has their own opinions and those opinions are just as important as others, and people who voted for who they thought was the better candidate are not stupid. The real stupid voters on both sides are the ones that put the campaign stickers on the back of their car and drive 5 under the speed limit in the fast lane. Those are the real threats to modern society. Not Al-Qaeda. We need to take them out. War on Bad Drivers, I say. I'll stop writing now... I'll leave what I was going to add for another post.

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