
Gotta keep 'em seperated

Apparently, integration is not as widely accepted as we thought.

A decision by Wells College (search), which has been all-women since 1868, to begin admitting male students in order to boost enrollment has riled female students.

Many students are threatening to leave the upstate New York college, but two have moved beyond threats and filed a lawsuit that says the decision to enroll men constitutes a breach of contract and fraud.

Those jarhead's come over here and gad-dammit, they took our schools!! (Tuk 'r skoolz!!) (Derk a derr!!)

To be honest, I wonder why any man would want to go to an historically-all-female college, but it sounds like they're just opening their doors to men, as opposed to some man fighting for the right to go. I do have a feeling, though, that the ones that end up going there right away would not be burly, macho date-rapists. But... that just so happens to be exactly what they're afraid of...

"We all leave our doors unlocked. We can run around in our nighties. It's all girls and we feel really safe and that will change," said student Starbuck Hersey.

You leave your doors unlocked? Damn, next time I get my typical-male urges to rape a woman, I should head over there, but I'm not due for another month or so. I guess, with a name like "Starbuck Hersey" you were already screwed from the get-go. I mean, her mom named her after a male character in a horrible sci-fi show from the 70's. That girl ain't gonna come out right.

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