
Have a Political Christmas.

I got Fahrenheit 9/11 for Christmas. It was an accident; my aunt got mixed up as to which movie I asked for, which was Michael Moore Hates America. I just found out tonight, though, that the movie isn't actually out yet, as it was delayed. Originally, it was supposed to come out in mid-December, but it appears to have been pushed back a month. So, I just have to go exchange Fahrenheit 9/11 for something non-fiction, like Highlander.

My immediate family does our gift-giving on Christmas Eve, because we do the big family thing on Christmas Day. So last night, my brother Scott gave me The Political Machine. It's a sim about presidential elections. For my first game, I made my own candidate, myself, and ran against Hillary Clinton. I lost, but I got the hang of the game and ran again against Mister Cardboard-Cut-Out himself, Al Gore. I won with like 300-some electoral votes. Of course, that was with a random setting. You can have the electoral map randomized, so all the states have different electoral vote values, different populations of liberals and conservatives, and so on. But I smoked him, because I convinced the masses that he was for Government-Run TV and that I was against Backyard Oil Drilling (The issues were also randomized). It's a pretty fun game. Matter of fact, I think I'm going to go play another campaign. Let's see how I fair against John Kerry.

Oh, other phat l3wtz was a DVD Burner (Dual Format including Dual Layer), The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (12-hour, 12-disc, ubernerd edition), a sweet pedal for my guitar that does all sorts of nifty shiznit, a copy of my friend Dave's movie "Exquisite Corpse," some clothing, some money, some gift certificates. Well, everyone have a happy week of limbo between Christmas and New Years.

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