
Yellow Funding Proposals

Some South Korean stem-cell research guru has been outed as a fraud.

SEOUL -- South Korean investigators said yesterday that the apparent landmark stem-cell research by cloning expert Hwang Woo-suk had been faked, turning the onetime national hero into a disgraced fabricator.

The story itself is not what is of interest to me. Just so it's out there, I agree with stem-cell research, so I find it kind of disappointing that someone would mess with data like this. What came to my mind while reading this was simply how much faith we put into "experts." I tend to believe a doctor when he's talking about something related to his field of expertise as I'm sure most people do. One brand of science I don't buy 100% is the theory of global warming. There is evidence of it, however the actual cause is still very much unknown, and research needs to be done on it. But what happens next is a bunch of scientists in a big pissing contest over who gets the grant money to do that research. Then stuff like this happens. Here's another bit of the article...

The government had showered Dr. Hwang with honours and research funds estimated at about $40-million (U.S.).

It opened a state research hub in October, meant to serve as the heart of global medical efforts to find cures for diseases now considered incurable.

So, whoever can cook up the most impressive proposal gets the money (in this case fraudulantly), and that's why we have all these sensationalized "George Bush personally caused global warming with Karl Rove's weather machine" theories. I'm not saying that all global warming scientists are liars. Far from it. I'm just saying that you have to remember that global warming (or global climate change, as they call it now, because the Earth doesn't seem to be warming up, but we had an active hurricane season) is still just a theory, with holes. Don't bet the farm on its cause or even its existence just yet.

Update: I was just going through my blog, and thought I'd mention something about the above blog post. In the past, I've been overly critical about global warming. It exists, but scientists say humans contribute to about 20% of it. The rest is natural. The bottom line is that no matter what Al Gore is super serial about, global warming is not a crisis. I completely agree that something should be done about pollution, primarily for health reasons, but Al Gore is still a tool, and, no, I'm never going to watch "An Inconvenient Truth."


Redneck Christians

Don't you hate it when those stupid Republicans refer to God to appeal to those redneck Christians? Its even worse when those Republicans are Democrats!

"As the Bible teaches us, to minister to the needs of God's creation is an act of worship, to ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us," said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California. "Let us vote no on this budget as an act of worship and for America's children."

Wait... I thought Bush was the first politician EVER to mention God to appeal to Christians. (Actually every president since Washington has) You now have far-left nut, Nancy Fucking Pelosi spouting off religious rhetoric; can all you liberals please shut the fuck up about Bush's spirituality bothering you? (Or at the very least bitch and moan about her and call for her resignation. I mean, there's that mythical seperation of church and state she's blatantly defying!)

Actually the article was about the House approving budget cuts (yay), specifically of entitlement spending (double-yay), and drilling in ANWR (triple-yay). When the Senate OK's drilling in ANWR, drinks are on me! Now if I could just find more than two friends who understand how drilling in ANWR is a good idea...

Update: Sadly, the Senate did what the Senate does best--fuck everything up--and rejected the bill. Guess it'll be a while before we get past the enviro-mental-cases and into ANWR.


Oh, so that's it

I figured out why I haven't updated in so long, completely skipping October.

Your Blog Should Be Yellow

You're a cheerful, upbeat blogger who tends to make everyone laugh.
You are a great storyteller, and the first to post the latest funny link.
You're also friendly and welcoming to everyone who comments on your blog.

My blog should be yellow, not orange and green. (I won't be changing it. I like this color scheme, so don't expect any updates for a while.)


Repercussions of Kyoto

Here it is. Proof that global warming is indeed happening...... on Mars.

Scientists have suspected in recent years that Mars might be undergoing some sort of global warming. New data points to the possibility it is emerging from an ice age.

NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter has been surveying the planet for nearly a full Martian year now, and it has spotted seasonal changes like the advance and retreat of polar ice. It's also gathering data of a possible longer trend.

There appears to be too much frozen water at low-latitude regions -- away from the frigid poles -- given the current climate of Mars. The situation is not in equilibrium, said William Feldman of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

You know it's all George Bush's fault. Of course this wouldn't be happening if we had just SIGNED the fucking Kyoto Treaty, because there is absolutely no way this could be a naturally occuring phenomenon. God damn SUV-driving red-staters.

"George Bush doesn't care about Martians." -- Kanye West


Christ, it's been a month

Ok for about the last 2 months, I've been going out almost every friggin night. Pretty much hanging out with Bien, since he was getting a job elsewhere (in Korea at first, but then he got one he was more interested in near Cleveland). So that's why I haven't posted shit for a month (and very scarcely for the month before that). I just decided to post a humorous anecdote from last weekend when my brother came home from college for a night.

Mike asked me, "What do you suppose all those activists and protestors are going to do when Bush leaves office in 2008?"

To which I replied, "Get jobs?"

It's funny because it's true.


Camera Crack Rocks

Last Monday (the 8th), the LCD screen on my less-than-a-month-old camera cracked. Don't ask me how; I don't know how it happened. I just know that I took it to Wal-Mart to see if they did a warranty/exchange deal, and the bitch from the photo department kept passively accusing me of dropping the camera, even though I didn't. I sent it to Canon's fix-it place in Illinois, where it is now being repaired under warranty. It should be back sometime later this week or next week. I miss it already. Now I'm going to buy a case for it, so it's not quite as susceptible to whatever magic force cracked the thing in the first place.

Note to self: warm Berry Weiss has a way of making one not want to drink again for at least a couple days, so only drink it chilled.


What Religious Philsophophy are You?

Apparently, I am... Agonistic? WTF...

You are Agonistic

You're not sure if God exists, and you don't care.
For you, there's no true way to figure out the divine.
You rather focus on what you can control - your own life.
And you tend to resent when others "sell" religion to you.

Does that mean I like to hurt myself or something? Jeez.


Oh shit...

Well, you may or may not have noticed that the blog I read most frequently, Right-Thinking from the Left Coast, disappeared yesterday. Turns out that the building in Dallas that housed the server for his and several other blogs was struck by lightning... twice. Read about it here. Apparently, God actually does hate Republicans.



Congress just passed a big energy bill that includes a provision to extend daylight savings time, and that prospect frightens a couple over-protective mothers.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - As Congress voted to extend daylight-saving time, some parents whose children wait for school buses in the morning darkness doubted whether an extra month of daylight is such a bright idea.

"I don't think that it's safe," said Nikki McIntosh of Little Rock, whose children Myah, 12, and Alex, 11, occasionally ride a bus to school.

I'm not really blogging on this because of these whining mom's who are worried that their kids might have to stand for 5 minutes in anything less than broad daylight. Doesn't really matter to me. What boggles my mind is the idea to make a meaningless change to an already meaningless change. When you switch the clock in April and October, there is actually nothing different about the world, except all the clocks are screwed up. If you change your clock three weeks earlier, you might not need to turn your lights for another hour every evening, but you'll need to keep them on for an extra hour every morning, if you're up then. Nothing is changing, you're just moving the hour of energy usage. What the hell?

P.S. Oh, and I thought this might be a good time to mention something else I'd been meaning to blog on. It's just kind of funny. I'm sure you've heard of Paul Harvey. If you don't, he's a news commentator who's like 1000 years old. Anyway, sometimes, whenever there's news about daylight savings time, he gets really irate. Generally, Paul Harvey's pretty docile, giving an old man's traditional/conservative viewpoint on the news, but when daylight savings time is in the news, he gets very bitter and uses words like "lemmings" to describe people who change their clocks. I mean... yeah, daylight savings time is stupid, but it's there and there isn't much point in bitching about it on the radio. No one's going to just get rid of it. Especially not now since they're extending the stupid thing.

Great Moments in Cognizance

So I made a delivery to Season's Hospice yesterday, and there was a woman sitting with the nurses at the nurse's desk. She said I looked familiar, that I dated someone she knew. She asked me my name, and I told her, to which she replied, "Yeah, Joe, you used to date... [name removed]" "Tammy" "Tammy, yeah. I used to cut her hair." I went with Tammy when she got her hair cut short... once. This woman remembered who I was from meeting me once, about 8 years ago. I thought it was worth a mention here.

(I decided not to publish Tammy's last name, as a courtesy to her. I only know of 2 people who regularly read my blog, but with the internet you never know what kind of freaks might wander in.)


The Big Pictures

I was going to post more pictures, but I don't have a way of resizing them, and the 6 I uploaded used 43% of my monthly bandwidth limit. So I'll post more when I get back.

Fucking space shuttle.


Shady Internets

Jeremy and I are sitting in front of a closed Panera Bread right now so I can connect to the internets. It's not the same one I uploaded pictures from earlier; like you cared. Apparently, in July, there's a thunderstorm almost like clockwork, around 5 o'clock, everyday. There was one when we picked up the car yesterday, and another one just after we got done looking at apartments for the day.

Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at Downtown Disney after eating at Planet Hollywood. Oh yeah, O-Rock 105.9 is the best radio station ever. Better than whichever station you usually listen to. Time to head back to the hotel and sleep.


The voyages of the starship Discovery...

Ok, so I admit I've been crossing my fingers, hoping that the launch of the Space Shuttle would get delayed at least a day, so I could see the launch when I was in Florida. The original launch time was today, just over an hour ago, and I'm not going to be able to be in Titusville to see the launch until at least like 5 or 6 o'clock tomorrow. As launch time approached, things kept sounding better and better (for me).

First they said the hurricanes didn't affect anything and there was a 70% chance they'd launch on time. Looming clouds changed their prediction to 60%, but they were still confident they'd launch on time. Then a protective window covering fell off and damaged two tiles of the heat shield, which could have posed a problem, but they fixed it pretty quick. Now, a faulty fuel gauge has grounded the mission until at least Monday*, when I'll be less than an hour west of the launch pad.

I kind of feel bad that I was hoping it would get delayed, and now it actually is... The shuttles get delayed all the time just before launch, so this actually isn't out of the ordinary. I was actually fairly sure it would get delayed, because many launches do, and this one is particularly important that there aren't any problems. Well, I get to see the shuttle launch for the first time since I woke up to see pieces of Columbia re-enter the atmosphere. Yay for me.

*Scott saw something on the news that said the shuttle is going to launch Saturday right as I was reading an article about the launch being delayed until Monday. Whichever, I just hope it isn't delayed any more than Monday.


37 Nanosecond Photo

Ah, the smell of fresh electronics. The battery is charging up right now, but keep an eye on my photo blog in case I decide to upload something.

P.S. I have a humorous screengrab I took yesterday that I was going to post here, but I'm too lazy to do it right now. I'll probably do it later.

Money... It's a Hit.

One of my favorite bands, Pink Floyd, recently overcame their issues of the past to play together again for the Live 8 concert in London. I went to Pink Floyd's site a couple weeks ago to find their front page plastered with this nice little quote regarding the Live 8 concerts:
"Like most people I want to do everything I can to persuade the G8 leaders to make huge commitments to the relief of poverty and increased aid to the third world. It's crazy that America gives such a paltry percentage of it's GNP to the starving nations. Any squabbles Roger and the band have had in the past are so petty in this context, and if re-forming for this concert will help focus attention then it's go to be worthwhile." - David Gilmour (Emphasis mine)

So the Live 8 concerts are ending, and the numbers are coming in. I can't say I'm suprised who handed Africa the most money. Those damn, greedy, apathetic Americans. By a long shot. (And the article is from a Scottish news source, so American-media-haters beware).
PRIVATE American citizens donated almost 15 times more to the developing world than their European counterparts, research reveals this weekend ahead of the G8 summit. Private US donors also handed over far more aid than the federal government in Washington, revealing that America is much more generous to Africa and poor countries than is claimed by the Make Poverty History and Live 8 campaigns.

Church collections, philanthropists and company-giving amounted to $22bn a year, according to a study by the Hudson Institute think-tank, easily more than the $16.3bn in overseas development sent by the US government. American churches, synagogues and mosques alone gave $7.5bn in 2003 - a figure which exceeds the government totals for France ($7.2bn) and Britain ($6.3bn) - according to numbers from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development which deal a blow to those who claim moral superiority over the US on aid.

Ouch. Don't give me that do goody good bullshit. 15 times more? Of course, most Europeans like to spin it, and talk about "GNP" and exclude private donations. When you don't tax the shit out of your citizenry, they're able to donate their own money. Lee over at Right-Thinking shares my sentiments, and I got the link to the article from there.


Blog fun

For the three people that read my blog... Jeremy started a blog of his own. Except I'm one step ahead of you, Jeremy, as I started a photoblog a couple days ago, here. The idea is to buy a digital camera in the coming months, and sort of document my time in Orlando. I could buy the camera, if Jeremy would give me money. :p


Colon Comma Left Parenthesis

If I'd known it was going to take that long, I wouldn't have gone. I think I missed the storm, too. There wasn't much lightning, and the rain was pretty weak the whole ride down. Suck. I asked for a receipt for the cream soda I purchased at a Kwik Star, so I had proof that I went, but I'm too tired to scan it and post it (as that would entail several steps you probably don't care about). I'm off to dream about next summer's hurricane season in Florida...

Sod this for a game of storm-watching

The 80% chance of rain we had tonight seems to be following in the footsteps of last night's forecast; the line of T-storms is ending just south of Olmsted. It's 2:18. Time to drive to Decorah.



This is the best You're The Man Now Dog website... ever.


Fweakin Sweet

Vodka has a way with making any otherwise tasty chemical and making it gross. But, there's a bad ass storm going down, so I'm going to go to bed. Good night, Neverland.


Imagine all the Islamofascists...

Looks like one radical Muslim has figured it out.
Arguably Iraq's most popular Shiite group, followers of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have packed away their guns and now speak of "political resistance" rather than martyrdom in battle.

Once dismissed as an upstart, the portly al-Sadr has been transformed into a respectable political figure, commanding the loyalty of key lawmakers and several Cabinet ministers.

You know what? Agree or disagree with him, he's telling his followers to put down the guns and I respect him for that. Please, resist us on the political battlefield. Hopefully, this is a signal that things will truly turn around in Iraq.


If only for a day...

...it felt good to get the fuck out of this pit.

And the shitting owls and the puking orangutans were cool, too.


Always a Groomsman, Never a Fuck Buddy

I'm so stupid. I should be asleep (3 hours ago). But since I couldn't sleep, I took the personality test on OkCupid, and I'm The Boy Next Door. The description is great...
On paper, most girls would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you're often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men. You're the typical "nice guy:" without just a touch of cockiness, you're doomed with girls. A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold.

Hilarious, but the next paragraph is a bit frightening...
More than any other type, Boys Next Door evolve as they get older. As we said, many find true love, but some fail miserably in the search. These tarnished few grow up to be The Men Next Door, who are creepy as hell, offering backrubs to kids and what not.

I'm not too worried. Not yet anyway. I think I'll be working on that cockiness over the summer.


FSKB Science

I heard about this news story last week, but didn't blog on it. There's a debate over the function of the female orgasm.
Evolutionary scientists have never had difficulty explaining the male orgasm, closely tied as it is to reproduction.

But the Darwinian logic behind the female orgasm has remained elusive. Women can have sexual intercourse and even become pregnant - doing their part for the perpetuation of the species - without experiencing orgasm. So what is its evolutionary purpose?

It goes on to talk about a book written by Dr. Elisabeth A. Lloyd. She asserts that the female orgasm serves no purpose; that it's an artifact of the development of the fetus. Like nipples on men. Yeah, I didn't really care about it all that much either, except when I read the whole story, I saw this theory from another pair of doctors...
Among the theories that Lloyd addresses in her book is one proposed in 1993, by Dr. R. Robin Baker and Dr. Mark A. Bellis, at Manchester University in England. In two papers published in the journal Animal Behaviour, they argued that female orgasm was a way of manipulating the retention of sperm by creating suction in the uterus. When a woman has an orgasm from one minute before the man ejaculates to 45 minutes after, she retains more sperm, they said.

Furthermore, they asserted, when a woman has intercourse with a man other than her regular sexual partner, she is more likely to have an orgasm in that prime time span and thus retain more sperm, presumably making conception more likely. They postulated that women seek other partners in an effort to obtain better genes for their offspring.

So they're saying women are hard-wired cheaters. I don't really believe that. I just liked the wording they used.


Adventures of Link

I added a handful of links on the sidebar there. Right Thinking is my suggested reading, the others are just a bunch of the bookmarks I had in my "Political Crap" folder.

The Truth Can't Find It's Shoes

Ever run into a foaming-mouth liberal and listen to them go off about the 100,000 Iraqi civilians that have died since the war began? Well it turns out it's less than a quarter of that figure (and that's including both civilian and military casualties). Of course, those rabid lefties certainly cannot be swayed by facts, and Tim Blair has a round-up.
Peter Erdman in the Toledo Blade imagines how much better things might be under President Kerry:

Over 100,000 of Iraq’s people would still be alive.

They might still be alive even now, if Kerry had told George W. Bush about that secret plan of his.

Have a look. Mark Twain is often dubiously attributed with the quote, "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." I think the truth lost its shoes somewhere.


A New Hope

I ate at Panera today, and in the parking lot was a little hatchback with a bunch of bumper stickers. There was a System of a Down sticker, something that looked like another band sticker, and a 93X Rocks sticker back there. But down at the bottom, there was a W sticker, a Bush-Cheney sticker and another that said, "I miss Ronald Reagan." It's good to know I'm not the only person in Rochester with a political identity crisis.


Islamofascist Padawans

I'd like to take a moment to point out one of the big problems we face in the world, specifically regarding Islamic fundamentalism. Look at this picture. That little boy has absolutely NO IDEA what any of them are screaming about. Kids learn behaviour as they grow up, and this is the behaviour a large portion of Muslim children are surrounded by their whole lives. Sad, really.



If you want a reason NOT to use the free services of plentyoffish.com... this is definitely it.

Take note of the response to "Do drugs?"

Thanks, eHarmony, for refusing my patronage. /flip

Someone shoot me.

Full House makes my head hurt. Why do I watch it?


uh-WITH uh-TEETH-uhhh

[WITH_TEETH] is out today. I looked for it at Wal-Mart at about 3:15 AM. I didn't think they'd have it, and I was correct in my assumption. So I'll have to swing by Best Buy on my way to work. I did make a stop at nin's online store, which just opened, and suprisingly, they're selling the CD for $10.99, cheaper than amazon.com and probably cheaper than Best Buy. And they're selling the Still CD again, so if you never got Still, GO F***ING BUY IT. Even if you don't like NIN, Still is a great little CD to relax to and it's only $9.99. Seriously. My mom likes Still. It was in my CD player once when she borrowed my car. This request isn't about my "man-crush" on Trent; it's about the fact that he's had all of his money literally stolen from him by his former manager, and I'd like to help him get paid. I'm a capitalist, and I could give two s***s about his politics. So that's why I'm pushing the new album now. I downloaded it because I'm going to buy it, and I encourage everyone else who downloaded it to do the same. And if you're not interested in With Teeth, give Still a try. It's a lot of mellow, put-you-to-sleep piano music. Speaking of sleep, I should be in bed, or I'm going to sleep in and not get the new album before work.

{/incoherent rambling off}

What the Full House?

Why the hell did Full House ever have an 8 season run? X Files had a 9 season run. Star Trek TNG, DS9 and Voyager each had 7 season runs. Shit, Friends had 9 seasons. Who in the hell watched Full House? I see there are tons of people on the imdb message boards, chatting it up about how great the show was... I guess I'm just trying to figure out what they're smoking.

File this under random anger-babble...


Oh, that liberal media

The search for WMD is over... again.
Wrapping up his investigation into Saddam Hussein's purported arsenal, the CIA's top weapons hunter in Iraq said his search for weapons of mass destruction "has been exhausted" without finding any.

Nor did he find any evidence that such weapons were shipped officially from Iraq to Syria to be hidden before the U.S. invasion, but he couldn't rule out some unofficial transfer of limited WMD-related materials.

Ok, didn't this get reported weeks ago, or is this a different outfit saying the same thing again? Of course it's headline news again, and Allah forbid the MSM would report about any good news in Iraq. And you have to love this single-sentence paragraph:
The Bush administration justified its 2003 invasion of Iraq as necessary to eliminate Hussein's purported stockpile of WMD.

Anyone who thinks WMD was the only single solitary justification for going into in Iraq is a liberal tool. Go ahead and whine your head off about how "removing a brutal dictator" was an afterthought because of the lack of WMD. Then read the 2003 State of the Union Address and explain why you're still whining. Maybe it's because I actually followed the whole ordeal from 9/11 that I wasn't suprised, and I didn't feel lied to. Because I actually knew what was going on. Let the THC drain from your system for a few days, and you'll probably realize that America isn't such a bad place after all. Hey, I'm no blind patriot, but you have to admit that this really isn't a cesspool of slime and vermin that Michael Moore pretends it is to sell books. Well... speaking of Michael Moore... Noam Chomsky... and Ward Churchill... yeah, I guess you're right. America is a cesspool of slime and vermin.

P.S. Wasn't it the CIA's faulty intelligence that said that WMD was there in the first place? Should we really be trusting the CIA with this report that there aren't any?


Generation Rx

Holy crap, more real news I decided to blog on... It seems that 20% of all teenagers are turning to prescription drugs to get high, instead of pot.
NEW YORK - About one in five teenagers have tried prescription painkillers such as Vicodin and OxyContin to get high, with the pill-popping members of "Generation Rx" often raiding their parents' medicine cabinets, according to a study by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.

The 17th annual study on teen drug abuse, released Thursday, found that more teens had abused a prescription painkiller in 2004 than Ecstasy, cocaine, crack or LSD. One in 11 teens had abused over-the-counter products such as cough medicine, the study reported.

Is this really a bad thing? The kids aren't using street drugs. So either, they're getting the picture, that they shouldn't do street drugs, and are turning to regulated substances that are deemed safe enough to be sold in a drug store, OR they're proving that they should legalize some of those street drugs and regulate them. Of course, what will really happen is that government will just put higher restrictions on these substances and make them harder to get. Dammit... I mean... I don't care.

Oh yeah, Laura, Vicki and Cody don't think there is anything for government to worry about, and they intend to write their local congressman. As should you.

That Certain Shade of Green

What's this? Real news commentary? Well, I've been saying it for years, and moreso since I started driving as a job. Traffic lights are programmed to stop as many cars as possible.
Backed up at a traffic light? Frustrated when you hit a red light only a block after driving through a green? Odds are, those traffic signals may need some work.


A new survey being released Wednesday says the nation's traffic signal operations are largely inefficient,

Well, I guess they're not programmed that way, but they really need some work. The strange thing is that as I recall, downtown Rochester used to be decent, except for Civic Center Drive, which has been screwed up since they built it. However, since they did a bunch of construction on Broadway several years ago, just about all the traffic lights downtown have been fucked. This is really when I noticed. Specifically, the light at 16th street and south Broadway, used to let cars go very shortly after they stopped, until one night I sat through a whole cycle in the turn lane and realized that something got screwed up in it. And don't get me started on the lights at the 19th street bridge over 52, but those are temporary because of construction. ::mumbles something profane about Roc-52::

First the ridiculously low speed limits, and their potential increase on the horizon, and now a group of engineers announcing that I was also right about crappy traffic lights. What driving gripe of mine will be proven valid next?

No words or so much skin

According to the career-music-store-employee sources at the nin hotline, With Teeth has been shipped, though obviously not yet available for sale. Some of those employees also happen to be impatient nin fans who have busted open a few boxes and looked at the packaging. There's actually going to be a picture of Trent in it. He's coming out of his shell. And apparently... no lyrics. I'm guessing that this is some sort of joke... how Trent put no instrumentals on the album, so he decided to make the packaging without lyrics. Ha... yeah. Whatever. And this album was supposed to be mostly about the lyrics. There better be official lyrics on the official website when it goes live officially. I hate not knowing lyrics. I can't listen to music when I don't know the lyrics. Bugs the ever-living crap out of me. Even though... due to the leak, I know pretty much all of the lyrics to the whole album, but there are some lyrics, particularly "You Know What You Are?" that I can't fully make out. I'd rather not wait for a non-sold-out concert to lip-read and figure out what he's saying. Especially because I can't lip-read.

Oh, and as an update to the preliminary review of With Teeth, and as an opportunity to use the word "officially" twice more... the entirety of the new album has officially grown on me. It r teh r0x0r, all the way through. I was actually going to mention this on Monday, because it had completely grown on me after about 2 or 3 complete listenings over my shift on Monday. Anyway... like you cared. "WTF? Why is he blogging that he likes a CD in it's entirety??"


Witha Teetha...

With Teeth kinna got leaked. No, not track 7 from the album; the whole album. So I have it. No, I won't give it to you. It's not that hard to find yourself. It was leaked last Thursday, so you shouldn't have too much trouble. I did it myself, with a nudge from Will, but his help wasn't entirely vital. As for the album... it kicks ass. Two or three tracks are going to have to grow on me, but that's normal for a NIN album. First listen, it was off-putting. The thing about new NIN is that when you get a new, full-length album plopped in front of you, it's understandably off-putting because of how long we went without new material. But most of the songs were either great on the first listening or great on the second. Like I said, only two or three tracks haven't taken root yet. I'm still going to buy the real thing when it comes out in a few weeks, of course, as should you, free-loading vagrant. Get a job. Here's my personal quick review of the album... your mileage may vary:

01 All the Love in the World: The send-off for the album is immediately in the "off-putting" catagory because of the drums. Usually, when Trent uses synth drums, he still does a great job with them, but I'm sure this is a stylistic choice. The hook is simple and catchy. And the layering of voices at the end is pretty sweet. Trent actually sings more than screams here. Not that he can't scream on key, but it's just a bit different. (Edit: I said off-putting, but I didn't say that I really liked it. It's unusual for something Trent put together, but it's still really good.)

02 You Know What You Are?: I had to place this in the "needs further review" catagory. It's fast-paced and pretty cool, but... I don't know. That's why it needs further review.

03 The Collector: Ok, this is With Teeth's entry to the "fucked-up time signature" collection of Trent's portfolio. It's also cool, but it hasn't grabbed me yet. It's close, but I just seem to forget it. Maybe it just gets drowned out by all the great stuff that comes later.

04 The Hand That Feeds: Well, if you haven't heard this by now, why are you even reading all this shit?

05 Love is Not Enough: I know, it sounds like a Bond movie. Close. This is growing on me, but it's not quite there yet. It's easier to describe the ones I like... because I can't put my finger on what I don't like about the few that I don't like.

06 Everyday is Exactly the Same: The first track on the CD I liked immediately. This track rules. It starts off with a neat little, out-of-tune piano, and then the synth stuff jumps out at you. The lyrics work better, and you can actually hear Trent sing again.

07 With Teeth: This one has grown on me, though the chorus is still a bit funny to me. The chorus is just "With Teeth" repeated four times, except Trent says it like the title above (A-with-uh teeth-uh), which is the way I wrote it down when I was writing out the lyrics. So, I probably ruined the song for myself because I did that. But I like the song as a whole. The chorus, though a hair silly, is forgivable.

08 Only: Trent goes back to his Down in It days and puts together a spoken-word song. He even references Down in It directly, by mentioning that tiny little dot that caught his eye... turns out it was a scab. This track took a second listening, but I like it. I guess, all I'm doing is saying "I like it, or I don't like it yet" rather than describe the song, but I'm not a fucking music review writer so shut up, I'm trying. (PS - This is apparently going to be the next single, after "The Hand that Feeds.")

09 Getting Smaller: One of the tracks that was leaked already. This sounds like a Foo Fighters song, but with Trent singing, and heavier, crunchier guitars. That's not a bad thing, mind you.

10 Sunspots: This song sounds almost like Weezer or something like that... I think it's the bass and the simple drum riff. The refrain sounds more like older-school NIN. It's a cool song. There's this interesting synth sound at the end, which people have said sounds like a drill, I hear the drill, but after hearing it in my car, it sounds more like a blender or a mixer... not that it really matters what home appliance it might sound like.

11 The Line Begins to Blur: When I first heard this leaked on the net, I had the same problem I think a lot of people had, and that is that the guitars sound like they're clipping (that they're too loud/heavy). At first, I thought maybe it was a shitty rip that had been normalized wrong and clipped the guitars. But it grew on me pretty quick, and it actually sounds right to me.

12 Beside You in Time: This is the track that's used in the teaser trailer on nin.com. Basically... if you've watched the trailer, you've heard this whole song. The pieces from the trailer are just repeated longer, and then there are lyrics not in the trailer. I was really anticipating this track, because of that trailer, and it's not as huge of a pay-off as one would expect from Trent, but it really still is a good track.

13 Right Where it Belongs: Wow. Hurt, it's not. The Great Below, it's not. But this is still a damn good track. The weird thing about this track is how fast it grew on me, it doesn't sound like NIN at all, yet somehow sounds like it's perfectly normal for a NIN track. It's like a wing of Trent's creativity that was always part of his repertoire, he just never made any songs in this catagory. I can't really describe it any other way. Just buy the album or at least download this thing.

Now that I have heard that in Winamp, that is the shiznite. I'm going to go finish listening to it over one more time and go to sleep.



Like Brad Pitt with the new Beetle, I too have changed my stance about a piece of pop-culture technology. I've decided that I no longer hate the iPod. At first, I thought of it as an icon of yuppie, hippie college kids, and being an Apple product, I thought of it as annoyingly flashy and expensive. All of Apple's products are ridiculously over-priced when they're first released, and initially the iPod was only suitable to early-adopter budgets. It was only recently that the iPod worked it's way down to a more practical price.

See, when the iPod Mini's came out, I noticed their prices were similar to the regular iPod, but had smaller capacities and shorter battery life. My first thought was of those three, big, capital letters, "WTF?" Some months later, the iPod Shuffle caught my attention again, but at first, I didn't get it. I saw "iPod" and then I saw "$99" so I assumed it was merely an accessory for the regular iPod, because there's no way you could buy an iPod for anything under three weeks salary, right? Well, I still like Apple computers, and I found out through browsing their site that the Shuffle actually was a tiny iPod that sold for $99 or $149 for the 512MB or 1GB versions, respectively.

I could never figure out what yahoo could fill up a 30GB iPod anyway, because all the mp3's I have on my computer take up a bit over 6GB and I don't even listen to half of them. So the Shuffle looked much more practical and upgraded my opinion of the iPod from "contemptible" to "remissible." Then, I noted that iPods prices have gone down across the board.

So, in summation... you may see me owning one someday. I've been thinking about it. Not seriously, but if I had an extra $400 laying around, I'd do it. You might be shocked to know that I actually went and looked at the iPods at Best Buy the other night. But after I'm done writing this, I'm going back to apple.com to check prices there (there are student discounts on iPods, just like on their computers).

The reason I bring all this up is the fact that I heard this news story on the radio on Monday, about George Bush's iPod, and I thought it was ironic. Trent Reznor went out of his way to complain about a presidency that hasn't affected him in the least and whined his angst-ridden heart out about corporate greed, yet bought iPods for his entire staff because apparently Apple isn't a large corporation looking for a buck. The iPod I saw as a staple of the artsy, know-it-all, liberal college student's lifestyle is now shared by the man in the White House that they all hate for no good reason.

And before you ask, no, I didn't change my mind about the iPod just because W has one. I was coming around already. The irony of the situation just made me decide to bring it up, and I came to the conclusion this week.

And on a side note, being tax week, I'm sure many people are using their returns to buy iPods, as I would probably do if I had a tax return over $40... and if I hadn't done my taxes back in January and already gotten my return and spent it 10 times over (you slackers.. happy tax day).

Update: Oh yeah, here's a brief history of the iPod, if you're curious.


Can I help you... Saddlebags?

Apparently, overweight people aren't treated as nicely by retail employees.
Investigators found that when women wore a prosthetic suit designed to make them look obese, they were treated more rudely, and received fewer smiles and less eye contact from sales clerks at a Houston, Texas, shopping mall than when they shopped without the fat suit.

First of all, I call bullshit. Forget about the fact that it's likely that they had a preconceived theory and set out to 'prove' it. From my experience working in retail, on the average, the customers who give retail employees the most shit were overweight women. Don't ask me why. Let me stress "on the average," because obviously you'll always be able to find a stupid bitch in any weight bracket (and either gender, of course). Of course, I always treated every customer the same--with the same contempt and lack of respect.

But say it is true, and obese customers are treated worse than those with a quote/unquote "normal" weight. They fail to mention in the 'study' that the door swings both ways. Ask anyone in retail, they'll tell you. Customers tend to head toward more attractive employees to be rung up. Attractive waiters and waitresses make more in tips. My old manager at Spencer's, Dee (if you're reading this, you probably know her), told me once of a customer who demanded someone else ring her up because she thought Dee was "ugly," (the little bitch didn't get her way because Dee was the only one there).

The article makes it sound like retail employees are these evil, sadistic people. They do it all the time, especially around the holidays. They make it sound like all retail employees are on this constant power trip, and want to make your shopping experience as unpleasant as possible, when it's usually the customers who are unreasonable and overly demanding. Whatever. I don't deal with customers anymore, so screw them all.


Al Gore, King of All Media

As if the internet alone wasn't enough, Al Gore is taking the initiative in creating a cable channel.
The former vice president and longtime Internet champion joined investors Monday to announce the creation of Current, a cable TV channel that will target younger viewers with a blend of news, culture and viewer-produced video.

Maybe Al is trying to do what Mikhail Moore couldn't. I don't really know. I could be a pessimist, and predict that this channel will be a financial black hole like Air America is, but I'll just wait and see if this is a leftist propaganda channel, directed at young, impressionable and very emotional minds, or if it's just a touchy feely, Nickelodeon for 18-34 year olds.


Day 2 finished

I haven't blogged it yet... Mitch Hedberg's death seemed more important to take note of... I quit smoking. Yes. I quit. No, I'm not quitting... I quit. I'm done quitting, and I'm done smoking. I haven't had a cigarette for almost 50 hours. It would be longer, but since Ben had his thing on Thursday and I went to Winona to visit, I had to have a few smokes for the road. But at roughly midnight on Thursday (Friday morning), I had my last cigarette, and it's now almost 2 AM on Sunday. My computer is going to change to daylight savings time very shortly, and that will add an extra hour onto my clock for how long I've gone without smoking. (Not really) Yes. I did quit. Well, I quit smoking, but I still have to go for 3 weeks supposedly before it's out of my system. So... yeah. I'm not going out to bars or anyplace that allows smoking until at least May. See you later, dudes.


Later, Mitch

Well, the first comedian I had an active interest in has passed away.
Mitch Hedberg, a Minnesota-born comedian who worked in nightclubs, college campuses, television and film in a wide-ranging career, and who struggled with drugs and alcohol, died in New Jersey, his family said. He was 37.

Just so you know, the drug abuse rumors are just rumors right now. He had a prior heart condition, and that may very well be the cause. I don't have any particularly poignant words to say here, so I'll just leave you with this...

"I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later."

Mitch Hedberg
2/24/68 - 3/30/05


Berfday Musings

So my birthday was Friday, and it's the first time I've gotten drunk on my birthday. I turned 24. I've been able to drink legally for 3 years now. Yet drinking is something that I haven't really started doing with any real frequency until the last year or so. Jesus, am I ever boring.

And another non-event that's forever bound to my birthday. 9 years ago today, March 6th, my first serious girlfriend, Tammy, and I started "going out." You know, the high school "going out" definition that a generation earlier called "going steady" where you're boyfriend/girlfriend and seeing each other exclusively. Anyway, we broke up in 1998, but since I'm a wacko for dates (for no reason that I can put my finger on), I'll never forget this one. Yay.


More Randomness

I don't know why I'm blogging this, but I just found one of the dumbest mistakes in cinema history listed on Internet Movie Database.

While in the cave discussing water shortage, water is seen dripping in the background.

It's from "Vertical Limit," starring Bill Paxton and Chris O'Donnell. I saw it playing on FX and couldn't remember the name of the movie so I looked it up on IMDb. Now some other movie started with Angelina Jolie. (I just looked it up. It's "Life or Something Like It." Edward Burns is a funny dude.)


Oh noes!! My trackz0rs haev been stoeled!!1

Awww, Trent's upset that his song got leaked. Of course, leave it up to a Chomskyite with a lot of money to take a cheap shot at the president.

Everybody's got their "internets" and it's everybody's right to share their files and everybody's a bedroom-critic empowered by anonymity.
(Emphasis mine)

I've always wondered what it's like to feel the need to get hung up on a person's shortcomings to make yourself feel smarter or better. Whatever.

Just a warning for you guys, Trent ruins the ending of Million Dollar Baby in his reply because he's a big baby. How very dickish, Trent. What if someone who hasn't seen the movie AND didn't listen to your little song out of respect happened across your little violin-playing rant? I know you're disappointed, because you wanted all those people who didn't like the song to end up paying for your album. Sucks doesn't it? That you'll only make 24.5 million instead of 25 million? You sound like Lars Ulrich.

And why are you getting upset that some people didn't like the song? There are 11 other tracks we haven't heard yet. Of course this isn't really going to change who's going to buy the record. I actually liked the song... it didn't ruin a first impression for me. So... thanks for ruining the ending of Million Dollar Baby for me, asshole. Even though, I sort of already knew the ending of it (because of the euthenasia debate that came up a few weeks ago).

I love all this delusions of grandeur bullshit, too, bud. I want to take down corporate America!!!11!11~!1!!1~~!!~ But wait, Mr. Rezzo, if you take down corporate America, how will we ever get to hear your music? Bye Interscope. Bye Best Buy. Bye Sony. Shit. I can't hear your music anymore. Arr! I hate corporate America! Here's a free iPod everyone, Apple's not a real big corporation. I love my GameCube and especially my X-Box. Nintendo isn't a big company and definitely not Microsoft. I'm sure Pro Tools was made by some starving Marxist in his basement out of leaves and twigs he found scattered about the cabin.

And finally, everyone knows that the leak was a marketing ploy. Next time, if you don't actually want your song leaked, here are some tips. Have a closed set. Do the shoot in takes without playing the song all the way through (like every other video shoot EVER). Better yet, use the track with the voice only and a click track. But, we obviously won't have to wait for a next time because we'll all be dead by the time you make a new album.

Don't get your goddamn panties in a bunch, pal. You're still getting phat paid.


The Hand that Feeds awaits you all...

The fans like myself have been eagerly anticipating the release of NIN's new album, With Teeth. Apparently the new single, The Hand That Feeds, was leaked (possibly--nay, probably--staged). Several radio stations around the country have reportedly played it tonight. There's a crazy-long thread over at the over-worked Echoing the Sound message boards about it. I wouldn't follow the link right now. The server is strained because of it. But I'll show you the highlights of the thread, such as the lyrics, the album cover and the 11th-hour album name-change:

Update: (before the spoilers) I blogged as it was all happening, so here's the final story... Some dude at the video shoot for The Hand That Feeds music video recorded the song on tape and sent it to a handful of radio stations around the country, and the stations that aired it and are now in trouble for doing so. Also, the single is slated to legitimately air on radio stations on March 21st, instead of the previous date which was given as April 11th. I believe this marks the first time Trent Reznor has ever moved a release date forward instead of backward. In a related story, temperatures in Hell have dipped to -13 degrees. Now on to those spoilers...

(Admiral, there be spoilers here!)

Supposedly, here are the lyrics:

you're keeping in step
in the line
got your chin held high and you feel just fine
because you do
what you're told
but inside your heart it is black and it's hollow and it's cold

just how deep do you believe?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
will you chew until it bleeds?
can you get up off your knees?
are you brave enough to see?
do you want to change it?

what if this whole crusade's
a charade
and behind it all there's a price to be paid
for the blood
on which we dine
justified in the name of the holy and the divine

just how deep do you believe?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
will you chew until it bleeds?
can you get up off your knees?
are you brave enough to see?
do you want to change it?

so naïve
to keep holding on to what I want to believe
i can see
but i keep holding on and on and on and on

will you bite the hand that feeds you?
will you stay down on your knees?

And here is the album cover art with the new album title...

(no, before you get confused and start asking me, the album title was not actually changed... but that's the real cover art...)


Stupid Random Thought

Bill Pullman played President Whitmore in Indepenence Day. For some stupid reason, I thought to myself, "what political party do you think Whitmore was?" There weren't really any issues discussed in the movie, so at first I thought it couldn't be figured out. But I figured it out. Vivica A. Fox played a black, single mother who worked as a stripper in California. Her character claimed to have "voted for the other guy." I think it's safe to assume Whitmore was a Republican.

Update: Oh yeah, Jewish people typically vote for Democrats, and Jeff Goldblum's character, who's Jewish, punched Whitmore. I know. It's a stretch.



Another one bites the dust

Today, UPN announced the cancellation of Star Trek Enterprise. This is some bull mother-fucking shit. I want to send a heart-felt, "Thanks a fucking lot" to all these moronic pseudo-reality shows that are eating up the airwaves. As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the best television shows still in production. And because they air it on Friday nights (when, contrary to popular belief, even Trekkie's are out doing things), they get lower ratings, and thus it's getting cancelled. Wow, UPN... just looking at your website... your line-up is going to be looking really fucking top shelf. Keep up the good work, dickheads. Think I'm a nerd for getting upset that the show has been cancelled and I can't even see the final season without driving to the cities? Fuck you. TV sucks donkey nuts right now, and they keep cancelling all the good shows. Let's have another season of The Apprentice. Yeah, that's great entertainment right there. Sounds good to me. How about another season of Survivor? You got it. Fear Factor? No problem. I can see all the CSI's getting cancelled, too, because they require more thought than your drooling, reality-show fans can squeeze out of their seven brain cells. Way to go, television industry. I hope you're fucking proud of yourselves for all this garbage wasting the airwaves.

Update: I calmed down a half-notch when I discovered that they do still air Enterprise in the middle of the fucking night here in Rochester. So I actually can watch the final season of this show. And any Trekkies who happen across my blog, and think I'm an idiot because you think Berman and Braga suck at Star Trek, let me just say this... "Fuck TOS." (And forgive my language, I'm still fairly angry.)


American Chopper

I have to admit, though I despise reality TV and I'm not a gear head with a hard-on for motor vehicles, this show is really cool. My theory is that I really like the artistic aspect of building the bikes. The arguing is fun sometimes, too. Now, I'll be the first to tell you that it's sick that people have such a morbid fascination with watching people be evil to each other in all the other pseudo-reality shows, but you know what's different about this show? The guys who are arguing are really real. They aren't beautiful people that auditioned for the show, who are treating each other like shit because they might win $10,000 (and $10,000 can't even buy a car, you depraved weirdos). These guys are family, and at the end of the day they really love each other. I don't know; I'm getting sappy. But that's my rationale and I'm sticking to it. I really do like seeing the evolution of the bikes, though. It's just a cool show. Watch it... or I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.

Update: I'm finding it rather ironic that I went on a tirade about reality television in the blog entry immediately following this one. My opinion still stands, however. I would be content to see someone take every piece of media that bears the name of any reality show that's ever been made and dump it all into a huge incinerator, save this show and Cops.


Ever get the feeling that you suck at life?

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Oh yeah...

So I decided to set up two other blogs.

Political Pornography
A new blog that I'm going to make my place for posting my thoughts that come to me while I'm listening to talk radio or watching news analysis shows. Just tonight, I posted my thoughts on the supposed shortage of Oscar nominations for The Passion of the Christ.

Armageddon Clock
Completely satirical. I'll have to see how far I'll go with it.

This blog is staying the same, but more of the national and world political stuff that the pundits chat about will be at my other blog.

I gots brains.

I meant to post this a few weeks ago. I got an e-mail from a guy who visited www.moorelies.com and wanted to save a copy of a message I posted there. I said fine, and now I thought I'd post it here. Tell me if I'm an idiot or not.

It was a two-part post, replying to two different people. The first person said I sounded like a moderate guy, and the second person was a typical Michael Moore zealot asking what's wrong with Moore for telling the "truth." Here's what I had to say...

[person 1]: I like to consider myself a moderate. I do have some right-leanings, which tend to show more than the left ones. Mainly because I run into more far-left people than far-right ones. I really didn't mind Clinton, and I do wish that he hadn't perjured himself and allowed the whole impeachment debacle to happen. I honestly don't think Bush should have won the 2000 election, but I also believe that you can't change the rules if you lose the game (which is basically what the Dems wanted). I also don't think he is as bad as the far left really wants to think. I wouldn't have minded at all if Kerry had won, but I didn't vote for him because I had no idea what he really stood for (yeah, I guess the flip-flopping bothered me). All in all, unity is what will get us all through, and I don't think extremism from either side helps anyone, anywhere, anytime.

[person 2]: I'm still trying to find the truth that every Moore fan insists exists. Guess what? If you want to say that the overall point of Bowling for Columbine was that the attitude about guns is different in America than most other nations, then yes, I agree. If the point of Fahrenheit 9/11 was that the media needs to be more accountable for what it reports on, and we need to ask questions of our government, then yes, I agree. However, neither movie were really up-front about either hypothesis, and never drew any conclusion about them, except to demonize conservative/traditional Republicans. The methods he uses to drive his point home are highly questionable and unethical, all the while leaving undiscerning viewers with extreme ideas about conspiracy theories and revisionist history lessons that simply aren't true. The only people I've come across that believe Moore's word as gospel truth and defend him, haven't fact-checked anything he shows the viewer. I have several friends who were devout Moore fans, but after many a long night of open-minded discussion (something I have a hard time finding among extremists, not just on the right), I was able to convince them that he's not the noble crusader for the little guy that he portrays himself as. One of them was a Chomsky-reading, self-proclaimed Marxist, believe it or not. He no longer defends Moore any time his name comes up in conversation. Just looking at the money Moore makes, the apartment in Manhattan and the "cabin" in Michigan should be enough to convince most reasonable people that he is living the American dream that he claims doesn't exist. Moore fans like to point out how 60% of the profits of Fahrenheit 9/11 went to charity, but they conveniently forget that he was contractually obligated to do so in order to get his movie distributed. Now, if you want to talk to a few Kerry-voters who despise Michael Moore, I can point you in their direction. If you want one-sided, closed-minded "discussion," go to the DU. If you want intelligent discourse, I'm right here, friend.

Sorry, Derek, but I have to use you as an example every time I talk politics with people. I still suggest you quit reading Chomsky, though.


State of the State

Governor Tim Pawlenty was in Rochester today to deliver the State of the State address. One of the things he mentioned was working on putting a 4-year university here. I don't have a source to cite, but I was told once that Rochester is the biggest city in the United States without a 4-year college. Basically, Rochester sucks because we're a medium-sized city that wants all the conveniences of a large city, all the pleasantries of a small city, and the negatives of neither. That's what we want, but what we have is a medium-sized city that really has no conveniences of a large city because we're still too small, has outgrown all the pleasantries of a small city, and has a mixture of negatives of both. Ok, really, it's all speculation on my part. And I don't really like this city. At all. But I kind of think a 4-year college will make this town better. Hey, if anything, it will make it less of a black hole town like it already is.



Ok... I just made a crazy long post... and it didn't post it. So I'll think about posting it later. Or, if you feel like some human interaction, ask me about my day at Full Sail, and I'll tell you about it. That's pretty much what the post was about.

In other news... Darkness, is still a terrible movie.


I think I'm staying

Well, I can't... but I should. I at least need my computers and my car. And my TV... and this lamp... and this ashtray... We went to Titusville and Daytona Beach and ate at a nice place called Shells. I'm not a huge seafood fanboy and I had the only non-seafood dinner item on the menu, chicken tenders, BUT it was a good place. I'd recommend it. We went to Kennedy Space Center right after the place closed, but we might go back again on Monday. It depends. We leave Orlando on Monday, and the Space Center is a bit out of the way, and we're thinking we might go try to find the Cartoon Network place in Atlanta. Maybe stalk Dave Willis. Show him my Meatwad impression. Get escorted from the property. Then stay in Marietta. Try again the next day. Later, foos.


What a difference 15 degrees latitude makes...

I'm now in Orlando, sitting in a hotel. It's 79 degrees, bitches. Do I have to come back? Hmmm...


Florida or Bust

T minus 3 hours, 39 minutes... I can't sleep. This is stupid. I should go to bed. I'll see if I can post with Mike's laptop wherever we're at. Have fun in Crotchester. (I wouldn't)

Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday, Brian Warner. (Better known as Marilyn Manson)


Almost forgot

Should have posted this yesterday, and I was so scared I wasn't going to get the chance, because of the Rapture. It's been two months now. The world hasn't ended yet. Just thought you'd like to be reminded.

I'm thinking about starting a website, called the "End of the World Blog." To watch the end of the world, live, as it happens, over the course of Bush's next term in office. It would be updated regularly with information about the impending Armageddon. I really think I can do this, because look at when I last updated my personal site.